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Pages modified on 2009-09
Last modified: 2010-02-27
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- Sibiu (Romania, Sibiu) 2009-09-26 alex danes
- Vârghiş (Romania, Covasna) 2009-09-26 alex danes
- Covasna County (Romania) 2009-09-26 alex danes
- Brazilian Progressive Party 2009-09-26 ian macdonald
- Romania: Index of all pages 2009-09-26 alex danes
- Banat 2009-09-26 alex danes
- Sport flags 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Tehuelche people (Chile and Argentina) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- English Tierra del Fuego flag (1859) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Judejut — Trans-Andean Youth Sport Games (Bolivia, Chile, and Peru Argentina) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: V-Z) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Mapuche historical flags (Chile and Argentina) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia (1860-1862) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Other house flags of shipping companies (country unknown) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Mapuche people (Chile and Argentina) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: N) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: T-U) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: Q-R) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: S) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: O-Q) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: L-M) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: F-G) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: D-E) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: H-I) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: C) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: L-M) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: A) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: B) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Daghestan (Russia) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- House flags of shipping companies 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Ingushetia (Russia) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- (Murmansk Region (Russia): Obsolete page) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Nenetsia (Russia) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Russian unofficial regional and ethnical flags 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Pan-finnic colors (Russia and Finland, 1920’ies) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Murmansk Region (Russia) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Transcaucasia in the Soviet Union 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Portugal (1185-1248) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Latvia in the Soviet Union 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Neonazi flags 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Georgievsk city (Stavropol Terr., Russia) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Peruvian sports flags 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Rank flags of the Peruvian Air Force 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Liberia 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bolivian sports flags 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (code [vxi]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [wja] to [wlz]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Liberian Administrative Counties 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [mna] to [moz]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [pda] to [pdz]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [osa] to [ozz]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [naa] to [nau]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [eaa] to [ebz]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [kar] to [kaz]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [hza] to [hzz]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Flags on stamps of Soviet Union 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Flags on stamps of Cuba 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- List of flags represented on stamps (by name of flag) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Flags on stamps of Liberia 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Bibliography (codes [c0a] to [c8z]) 2009-09-19 antónio martins
- Word "flag" in Javanese 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Word "flag" in different languages: Etymological index 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Clickable map of New York City (NY, United States) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Word "flag" in different languages 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Uzbekistan in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Inca subdivisions’ flags (Western South America) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- South Peru within the Peruvian-Bolivian Confederation (1838-1839) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Russia in the Soviet Union (later flags) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Finno-Karelia in the Soviet Union (1940-1956) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Tajikistan in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Turkmenistan in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ukraine in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Moldavia in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Kazakhstan in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Georgia in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Kyrgyzstan in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Soviet Navy: Naval rank flags (1950-1992) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Karelia in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Karelia in the Soviet Union (earlier flags) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Armenia in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Azerbaijan in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- House flags of soviet sea (coastal) shipping companies 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Estonia in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Belarus in the Soviet Union 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Soviet Navy: Auxilliary fleet (1950-1992) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Black Sea fleet 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Soviet Navy, 1950-1992 (second flag pattern) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- House flags of soviet shipping companies 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Soviet Air Force 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Construction details of Soviet flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- São Tomé and Príncipe subnational flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Sakhalin Region (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Mordovia (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Lyydi people (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- (Kaliningrad Region autonomist/separatist flags (Russia): Obsolete page)) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Krasnodar Territory (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Evenkia (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Chechenia (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Buriatia (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Amur Region (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Aghin Buriatia (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Nyeftyeyugansk city (Yugra, Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Taymyr (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Law of the flag and coat-of-arms of Khabarovsk Territory (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Koryakia (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Tver Region (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Zelenogradsk county (Kaliningrad Region, Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Kaliningrad city (Kaliningrad Region, Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Gusev city (Kaliningrad Region, Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Kaliningrad Region autonomist/separatist flags (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Subdivisions of Kaliningrad Region (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Voronezh Region (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Maritime Territory (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Altay Territory (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Parma (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Kazan’ city (Tataria, Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Mariy-El flag history (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Mariy-El in 1992-2006 (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Early Tatar flags (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Russian Navy: early flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Russian Navy: 1697-1700 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Neonazi flags in Russia 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Incorrect depictions of the (1992-2006) Mariy-El flag (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Russian Navy: historical pilot flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- East Karelia (Russia), 1930 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- East Karelia (Russia), 1919-1920 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- East Karelia (Russia), 1918 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Historical Karelia (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Adygeya (Russia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Anti-Soviet Russian units in WWII (within the German forces) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Flags of Languages 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Semaphore 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Tsar’s personal flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Russian non-military security forces 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Russia 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Socialist rose emblem 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- The black flag of Anarchism 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal - historical flags 2009-09-12 jorge candeias
- Lisbon Municipality (Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- (Portugal (1640-1656): obsolete page!) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Fronteira Municipality (Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal - 1143 historical flag 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Gay Pride / Rainbow Flag 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Companhia Nacional de Navegação (shipping company, Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Insulana (shipping company, Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Wimmer (shipping company, Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Rank flags of the portuguese navy 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Pre-1910 rank flags of the Portuguese Navy 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Trás-os-Montes autonomist movement (Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Unitary Democratic Coalition (Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portuguese aircraft fuselage markings 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Christ Knights’ Order naval flags (Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal — flags of use at sea 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Historical portuguese sea merchant flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal (1706-1816) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portuguese governmental flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portuguese colonial municipal flags (≅1954-1974) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Sport Lisboa e Benfica (Portugal) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal - province flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Military flags of Portugal 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal (1640-1656) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal - 1830 historical flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portuguese coat of arms 2009-09-12 jorge candeias
- Portuguese sport flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Proposals for the new portuguese national flag (1910-1911) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Portugal 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Peruvian Navy Rank Flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Peruvian Navy 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Tourism company flags in Portugal 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Incorrect depictions of the portuguese national flag 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ucayali region (Peru) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Peruvian presidential flag 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Senior Office Rank Flags of Peru 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Peru 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Peruvian flags at sea 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- God’s Lamb Brotherhood (Peru) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- House flags of Peruvian shipping companies 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Subnational flags of Peru 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Governmental and Military Flags of Peru 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- International Zone of Tangiers (Morocco, 1912-1956) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Sinoe county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Gbarpolu county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Moroccan Navy 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Morocco 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Morocco Historical Flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Moroccan Air Force insignia 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- River Cess county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- River Gee county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Nimba county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Maryland county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Montserrado county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Margibi county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Lofa county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Spanish Protectorate of Morocco (1912-1956) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Other liberian state symbols 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Liberian naval flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- House flags of Liberian shipping companies 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bong county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bomi county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Vaduz (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Grand Cape Mount county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Grand Bassa county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Schaan (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Grand Kru county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Schellenberg (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Triesenberg (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Grand Gedeh county (Liberia) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Triesen (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Liberian presidential flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ruggell (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Nyilaskeresztes Párt (Hungary, 1940-1945) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Planken (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Mauren (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Comoros’ political flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ensigns of Saint Kitts and Nevis 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- History of the national flag of Liechtenstein 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Liechtenstein flag laws 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Associate State of Staint Christopher, Nevis and Anguilla (1957-1967) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Gamprin (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Liechtenstein 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Eschen (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Balzers (Liechtenstein) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Princely and government flags of Liechtenstein 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Comoros 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Subnational flags of Liechtenstein 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Grenada 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ghana 1964-1966 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Gold Coast (Ghana under British rule, -1957) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Guinea Bissau 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Political flags of Guinea Bissau 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Sahara Suz (Western Sahara, late 19th cent.) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ghanian political flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Western Sahara 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Rank flags of the Dominican Navy 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Naval flags of the Dominican Republic 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Historical flags of the Dominican Republic 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ghanian Navy 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Gambia 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- The Gambia under British rule 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Ghanian Air Force 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Sal municipality (Cape Verde) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Military flags of the Dominican Republic 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Subnational flags of Cape Verde 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bolivian Naval Ensign 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Cape Verde 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- (Countries of the Benelux Trademarks and Design Offices: fall back page!) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bolivian military flags 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bibliography: Title index (flag articles in non-vexillological sources): A-C 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bibliography: Language index (English) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- (Bibliography: Title index (flag articles in non-vexillological sources): Obsolete) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bibliography: Title index (flag articles in non-vexillological sources): T-Z 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Bibliography: Title index (flag articles in non-vexillological sources): M-Q 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Upper Volta (Burkina Faso, 1959-1984) 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Antarctica 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Flags on stamps 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Clickable map of Antarctica 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Antarctic Treaty 2009-09-12 antónio martins
- Candelaria La Frontera (Santa Ana, El Salvador) 2009-09-04 dov gutterman
- Roman Catholic Church 2009-09-04 rob raeside
- Rom 2009-09-04 rob raeside
- Reederij op de Lek (The Netherlands) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Polish military flags 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Stromberg city (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Rümmelsheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Roxheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Seibersbach municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Schöneberg municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Schmittweiler municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Warmsroth municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Schweppenhausen municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Waldlaubersheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Wallhausen municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Windesheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Waldböckelheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- VG Meisenheim (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Guldental municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- VG Rüdesheim (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Eckenroth municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Hargesheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Dorsheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Laubenheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Langenlonsheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Dörrebach municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Callbach municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Bretzenheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Breitenheim municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Roth municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Reiffelbach municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Rüdesheim (Nahe) municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Rehborn municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Raumbach municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Bockenau municipality (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Meisenheim city (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- VG Langenlonsheim (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Rhenania (German Shipping Company) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Stern Linie (German Shipping Company) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Bad Kreuznach County (Germany) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
- Roland Linie (German Shipping Company) 2009-09-04 jarig bakker
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