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House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: C)
Last modified: 2009-09-19 by antónio martins
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See also:
- C. B. I. Navi spa
- Cable and Wireless
- Companhia de Cabotagem de Pernambuco
- Caillol-Duvillard & Cie
- E. Caillol & H. Saintpierre
- Cairn Line of Steamships Ltd
- Caledonian MacBrayne, Hebridean and Clyde Ferries
- California & Oregon Coast Steamship Co
- California Navigation & Improvement Co.
- California Oil Co.
- California Transport Corp.
- George A. Callitsis Succesrs S. A.
- Calmar SS Co.
- Caltex Oil Co
- Agence Maritime Calvi
- Société Anonyme des Pêcheries Cameleyre
- Camillo Eitzen & Co
- Cammel Laird & Co.
- CAMOGRA C. A. Maritima Oceanica Granelera
- P & A Campbell
- Canadian Government Merchant Marine
- Canadian Maritime
- Canadian National Steamships
- Canadian Northern Steamships
- Canadian Pacific Lines
- Canadian Pacific Navigation Co.
- Canadian Steamship Lines
- Canadian Transport Co., Ltd.
- Canadian-Australian Line, Ltd.
- Canadian Fish Company (Canfisco)
- Capelle Chartering & Trading
- Capper, Alexander Ltd.
- Captain Cook Cruises
- Carisbrooke Shipping plc.
- Carl Norrthon Jr.
- M. Carl (Dampsk Heimdal)
- Carmet Tug Co.
- Carneiro Industrial Ltda.
- Carnival Cruise Lines
- J. M. Carras
- The Carron Company
- Carvill Line
- Cascadia Container Lines
- Cassier Fish Packing Co.
- Louis Castaldi & Fils
- Castle & Cook Inc.
- Castle Mail Packet Co.
- Catskill Evening Line
- Compagnie Chérifienne d’Armement (CCA)
- Société Anonyme des Ccargos Français
- Celal Sedagoglu Denizcilik T.A.Ş.
- Cementa Rederi AB
- Cenargo Navigation Ltd.
- Central & South American Telegraph Co
- Central Gulf Lines
- Century Shipping Co., Ltd.
- Черноморско-Азовское государственное морское пароходство | Ĉernomorsko-Azovskoe gosudarstvennoe morskoe paroqodstvo
- Cerrahoğullari Umumi Nakliyat T.A.Ş.
- L. D. Cetam
- Ceylon Shipping Corporation
- Chamberlain & Phelps
- W. R. Chamberlain & Co.
- Chambers & Heiser
- Chambon
- Chapman and Willan, Ltd
- Charente Steamship Co. Ltd.
- Chargeurs Réunis
- Compagnie des Chargeurs Français (Plisson & Cie)
- Charles Nelson Steamship Co.
- Charlton Steam Shipping Co.
- Chaval Navegação
- Augusto Chaves Riça
- R. B. Chellew Steam Navigation Company, Limited
- Chem Bulk Carriers AS
- Chemgas
- Chemtrans
- Armement Nord-Africain Cherfils
- Chevillotte Frères
- Chevron Shipping
- Chicago, Duluth & Georgian Bay Line
- China - Australia Steamship Company
- China Mail Steamship Co.
- China Merchant’s Group
- China Navigation Company, Ltd.
- Chiquita Great White Fleet
- Cho Yang
- Cho Yang Shipping Co., Ltd.
- Chowgule Steamships, Ltd., Bombay
- Chr. Jensen A/S
- Chr. Michelsen & Co.
- Chriship
- Christen Smith & Co
- H. C. C. Christensen
- T. C. Christensen & Co.
- Christian Andresen (Dampsk. Dania)
- Christian Haaland
- Christiani & Nielsen A/S
- Chuetsu Kisen (1916)
- C. H. Church & Son Star Line
- Compañía Argentina de Transportes Marítimos SA (CIAMAR)
- Circle Shipping Co.
- Henderson Macfarlane Ltd (Circular Saw Line)
- Cities Service Oil Co.
- City of Cork S. P. Co. Ltd.
- The City Line
- Clan Line Steamers
- Clarke Transport Canada Inc.
- H. Clarkson & Co., Ltd.
- C. Clausen
- Claymore Shipping Company, Limited
- P. F. Cleeman Shipping ApS
- Cleeves Anthracite Collieries, Ltd
- Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.
- Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company
- Cleveland Tankers
- Clipper Denmark A/S
- Clipper Line
- Clover Leaf Steamboat Line
- Clyde Shipping Company
- Clyde Steamship Co.
- Clyde-Mallory Line
- CMTA Group
- Companhia de Navegação da Amazônia (CNA)
- Coast Lines
- Coastwise Line
- Compagnie Belge d’Affrêtements S. A. (Cobelfret)
- Société Anonyme John Cockerill
- W. H. Cockerline & Co. Ltd.
- Coe Metcalfe Shipping Ltd.
- Coeclerici Group
- Cofama
- Coleman’s California Line
- Collins Line (New York & Liverpool United States Mail Steamship Co.)
- E. K. Collins Liverpool Line
- E. K. Collins New Orleans Line
- Colombian Line (Colombian Steamship Co.)
- Colonial Steamships
- Colonial Sugar and Refining Co.
- Companhia Colonial de Navegação
- Color Line
- Colouthros Ltd.
- Columbia Ship Management Ltd
- Columbian Line
- Columbus Line
- Columbus Line / HSDG
- Compagnie Marocaine de Navigation (Comanav)
- Comarit
- Combi International
- Companhia Commécio e Navegação
- Commercial Pacific Cable Co.
- Compagnie des Bateaux à Vapeur du Nord
- Compagnie des Vapeurs de Charge Français
- Compagnie Française de l'Afrique Occidentale
- Compagnie Française de Marine et de Commerce
- Compagnie Française de Navigation
- Compagnie Franco-Tunisienne de Navigation
- Compagnie Maritime France-Afrique
- Compagnie Maritime Maroco-Norvégienne
- Compagnie Nouvelle Méditerranéenne de Navigation
- Compagnie Phocéenne d'Armement Maritime
- Compagnie Rouennaise de Navigation
- Compagnie Rouennaise de Transports Maritimes
- Companhia Portuguesa de Navegação (Componave)
- Comptoir Général des Transports
- Comstock & Co.
- CONOCO (Continental Oil Co.)
- Container Safe J C Ericsson AB (Consafe)
- Consolidated Coal Co.
- Consorcio Naviero Peruano S.A.
- Constantine Lines
- Constants Ltd.
- Contemaris-Line
- Continental Oil Co. (CONOCO)
- Continental Ship Management
- Continental Steamship Co. (Tomlinson Fleet)
- Contship Containerlines
- Cool Carriers A/B
- Coppe & Decorte
- Cork Steamship Co.
- Cornish Shipping Ltd.
- Société Nationale Maritime Corse-Méditerranée
- Cory Brothers
- Cory Colliers (William Cory & Son)
- Cory Towage Ltd.
- China Ocean Shipping Company (Cosco)
- Cosmopolitan Shipping Co.
- Companhia Nacional de Navegação Costeira
- COTUNAV (Cie. Tunisienne de Navigation S. A.)
- Coulouthros Ltd.
- Counties Ship Management Co.
- Empresa de Amaral Coutinho & Cia.
- C. Crawley, Ltd.
- Crescent Shipping
- Crescent Towing & Salvage Co.
- Croatia Line Rijeka
- Compagnie Maritime de Croisières
- Cromwell Line
- W. Crosby
- Crowley Maritime Corp.
- Crusader Shipping Ltd.
- Crusader Swire Container Service Ltd.
- CSA - Portugal
- CSAV - Compañía Sudamericana de Vapores
- Cunard White Star Company
- Currie Line
- Curtis Bay Towing Co.
- Cusack’s Line
- Cuyamel Fruit Co.
- Czech Shipping Company
- Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping
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