It doesn't matter if it's a village, state, or country that's looking to
design a new flag, if you are asked to assist, I suggest the following:
First, it's important at the very beginning to realize that Vexillologists
don't necessarily make good Vexillographers. Understand your strengths and
weaknesses before agreeing to assist any flag design committee. You may still
walk a committee through the process, but you might want to personally stay
away from actual design issues.
Once you know the above and have decided to join the committee, then:
- Check your ego and credentials at the door. You don't know as much as
you may think, and the collective opinion of the committee matters. Your
primary job will be guidance. If you do this well, you will gradually gain
respect, and everyone will listen to you more closely.
- Check your personal bias at the door. You may have personal preferences
where design is concerned, but your preferences don't necessarily matter.
- Learn to sensibly assess good flag design and separate that from what
you personally like. For example, I have said that I believe Alabama's
flag is the number one US state flag design. That's a pragmatic
assessment. My favorite US state flags are Hawaii
and Maryland. First, I'm a British ensign guy,
and secondly. who doesn't think Maryland's flag is totally cool?
- Also, if your heart isn't into changing a current flag, bow out of the
process. If Fiji asked me to help them arrive at a
new design, I wouldn't to it. I'm an irrational British
ensign guy. Even though I would know that Fiji could possibly benefit
from hoisting a handsome new distinctive horizontal tri-bar, I would fight
it tooth and nail!
- Don't submit a design of your own. You will automatically gravitate
toward your own flag no matter what.
This rule was really really hard for me during the Mississippi
flag referendum. There was even a point where the committee looked me and
said "you design it". I said "no". The process was too far
underway to abandon our initial design strategy.
Speaking of strategy, this is where you might really sway a flag design
committee. Have them put on a flag design contest. It's not necessarily the
committee's job to design the flag.
I thought that is was imperative that the new Mississippi
design come from within Mississippi, or at least from a native. I also
encouraged the committee that it was OK for several people to be potentially
credited with the new design. Experience told me that a definitive design may
never come across the table and it may be necessary to borrow from several
designs to get what we were after.
I forgot how many thousands of designs came through, but a theme began to
materialize where quite a few entries simply replaced the Confederate canton
with a field of stars. Some were so similar, that we knew we had our basic
design. We felt it important to give all those designers credit if the
proposed flag had won at the ballot box. I believe maybe 8 or 9 people were
going to receive the credit. I think their ages ranged from 7 or 8 years of
age up to retirement age.
The one rule we gave everyone entering the contest was straight forward.
Proposals sent to the design committee were to be simple, distinctive and
recognizable at a distance. That was it!
I have one more "don't" to throw in. If I offend anyone, I
apologize on the front end.
- If you have any say in your committee's process, never never never never
ever allow an advertising agency, or a professional graphics designer into
the loop. They will totally mess things up. It's not that these folks
aren't nice people, but they're way too clever. They're trained to come up
with new fresh innovative logos and whatever for advertising or
letterheads, and then are masters at brow beating people into accepting
their product. Simultaneously, they are utterly incapable of dumbing
themselves down enough to create a simple effective timeless flag. I will
guarantee you that the modern advertiser or graphics designers would never
come up with a Texas flag in a million years.
- If you are asked by a flag committee to actually design a new state or
national flag proposal, remember. Check your ego and personal bias at the
Then, regardless of what type of flag it is, determine if there is any past
flag history. It could be that there is already a flag available that would
serve your constituency well, making a new design unnecessary. It would
ultimately be up to the committee to make the call, but you would have done
your part.
In presenting my US state flag proposals, I reintroduced old flags where I
could. From there, I attempted to salvage something from current flags in
order to introduce something different, yet simultaneously familiar. Flag
committees will appreciate your thoughtfulness. There’s no need to
completely reinvent the wheel unless there was no wheel to begin with.
- If there are absolutely no historical alternatives, and there’s
nothing to be salvaged from a current flag, try starting off very simply.
Start with something like a bicolor
such as Poland for example and work your way
backwards from there. Who knows, a bi- color may be just the thing that
the committee is looking for. If it’s not, be patient and keep modifying
things until an acceptable model is reached.
Once more, I can recommend some basic do’s and don’ts, but at the end
of the day, you’re the Vexillographer in charge.
- First, encourage a traditional design whether the flag ends up being
very simple or more complex. I briefly mentioned this several days back,
but traditional designs are superior to modern contemporary designs.
Modern contemporary designs will quickly have a dated look and will not be
nearly as desirable or inspiring later on as they were at the moment they
were introduced.
- Avoid placing objects alone in the upper fly quarter of the flag. The US
naval jack is a pretty good design because the constellation of stars
encompasses most of the field as it visually works its way from hoist to
fly. Thus, the US naval jack works OK. The small cross in the upper fly of
the flag of the country of Georgia works OK because
of the collective balance in the flag’s design. On the other hand, Nunavut
and Rwanda and even Zambia
have flags that don’t work. It is very difficult to see a lone object in
the upper fly of a flag, even in a stiff breeze.
- If you can completely avoid putting stuff in the upper fly corner,
you’ll be better off.
- Don’t feel that you need to be completely bound by heraldic rules and
other vexillographic tradition, but at the same time, use them as a guide.
I have always wanted to design a solid colored flag of some sort with a
single device placed below the line of the illustration below. It would be
most unusual design, but it would also be practical. Take a look at Colonel
S.B. Webb’s Regimental flag.
![[flag design sample]](../images/x/xf_dsgn-samp.gif)
image by
Clay Moss, 31 October 2005
I don’t who designed the flag, but I can tell you that they were very
observant and had paid a lot of attention to fluttering flags. This is easily
one of the most ingenious flag designs I have seen. The designer knew that the
defacement would be seen much more easily if placed where it was. Placing the
device in the upper hoist or in the middle of the flag may have been the more
traditional thing to do, but placing it low and a bit toward the hoist
guaranteed that it would be visible under the greatest number of
- If you’re going step out on a limb and submit a radical flag design,
at least submit one that matters and can perhaps set a positive precedent.
- Never never ever place yellow/gold and white together. The flags of New
Orleans, Nunavut, Perak,
the city of Portland, Oregon, the Vatican,
etc.. don’t work. There are also other colors that shouldn’t be placed
beside each other, but you should be able to figure them out.
Clay Moss, 30-31 October 2005