Last modified: 2008-08-30 by alex danes
Keywords: partidul popular creştin democrat | christian democratic peoples party |
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The PPCD (Partidul Popular Creştin Democrat = Christian-Democratic People's
Party) is a result of the merger of the PNTCD and the URR in
2004. Although the official name is PPCD, it still uses mainly the older
name PNTCD (Partidul Naţional Ţărănesc Creştin Democrat = National
Peasants' Party - Christian Democrat). The PNTCD was in power from
1996-2000, being the second-largest party in the parliament. It hasn't
gained any seats in the 2000 and 2004 parliamentary elections, though.
The symbol of the party is described in article 2 of the statute []:
"(2) Semnul permanent al Partidului este cel prezentat �n Anexa 1 a
prezentului statut. El reprezintă un ochi stilizat din trei elemente:
arcul superior şi irisul de culoare albastru �nchis iar arcul inferior
de culoare portocalie; acestea se continuă cu grupul de init,iale
"PPCD" �n aceeaşi culoare portocalie, cu caractere �nclinate spre
dreapta şi cu contur deschis, primele două iniţiale "PP" fiind mai
groase decât următoarele doua init,iale "CD". Elementul ce
simbolizează arcul superior albastru reproduce exact forma şi culoarea
arcului din simbolul EPP (Partidul Popular European, �n care partidul
este membru asociat). Irisul este reprezentat de un disc din care
lipseşte un mic sector de disc �n partea stângă sus faţă de centrul
(3) Semnul permanent se foloseşte �mpreună cu sloganul Partidului "FIECARE CONTEAZĂ" aşa cum este reprezentat �n Anexa 1 � sloganul este de culoare albastru �nchis, cu caractere drepte, proporţionale, acoperind toată lăţimea semnului sub care este poziţionat.
(4) Semnul electoral este identic cu semnul permanent al Partidului cu toate elementele de culoare neagră. Semnul electoral este de asemenea reprodus in Anexa 1. Semnul electoral poate fi modificat prin hotărârea
Comitetului Naţional de Conducere, care va fi comunicată Biroului
Electoral Central, �n conformitate cu legea."
My translation:
(2) The permanent symbol of the party is the one presented in appendix 1
of the present statute. It shows a stylized eye made out of three
elements: the superior arc and iris of blue colour are closed by the
inferior arc of orange colour; these are continued by a group of
initials "PPCD" in the same orange colour, with the characters inclined
to the right and open contours, the first two initials "PP" being
thicker than the next two letters "CD". The element that symbolizes the
upper blue arc reproduces the exact form and colour of the arc in the
symbol of the EPP (European People's Party, in which the party is an
associated member). The iris is represented by a disk, in which a small
disk sector is lacking in the left upper part from its centre.
(3) The permanent symbol is used together with the slogan of the party "Everybody Counts" as depicted in appendix 1 - the slogan is of dark blue colour, in upright proportional characters covering the whole width of the symbol under which they are positioned.
(4) The electoral symbol is identical with the permanent symbol of the
party with all elements of black colour. The electoral symbol is as
shown in appendix 1. The electoral symbol can be modified by decision of
the National Leadership Council, which will be communicated to the
Central Election Office, in conformity with the law.)
Unfortunately, I do not have any information on the party flag.
Marcus E.V. Schmöger, 14 January 2007