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Last modified: 2005-04-09 by antónio martins
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See also:
- [jaa89]
- Sápmi, the Sami Nation and its Flag
New location: bib-jaa.html#jaa89
- [jad77]
- Om Danebrogs Oprindelse: En historisk hypothes
New location: bib-jaa.html#jad77
- [jad88]
- Undersøgelser vedrørende Danebroge og det danske kongevåben
New location: bib-jaa.html#jad88
- [jah63]
- The development of childrenʼs ideas about country and nationality, Part II: National symbols and themes
New location: bib-jaa.html#jah63
- [jak45]
- Svenska standar och fanor
New location: bib-jaa.html#jak45
- [jan97]
- Korona herb twoj ozdobiono
New location: bib-jaa.html#jan97
- [jar97]
- Material Conflicts: Parades and Visual Displays in Northern Ireland
New location: bib-jaa.html#jar97
- [jar99]
- Displaying Faith: Orange, Green and Trade Union Banners in Northern Ireland
New location: bib-jaa.html#jar99
- [jav91]
- Flagg og flagging II. Flaggheis
New location: bib-jaa.html#jav91
- [jav91a]
- Flagg og flagging III
New location: bib-jaa.html#jav91a
- [jbc02]
- Principal National Flags
New location: bib-jaa.html#jbc02
- [jbj87]
- På jakt etter Risørs byvåpen
New location: bib-jaa.html#jbj87
- [jbj87a]
- Risør-flaggets historie
New location: bib-jaa.html#jbj87a
- [jbu22]
- Bergens Byflag
New location: bib-jaa.html#jbu22
- [jbu22a]
- Byvaabenet og Byflaget
New location: bib-jaa.html#jbu22a
- [jbu22b]
- Bymerkets form
New location: bib-jaa.html#jbu22b
- [jbu23]
- Bergens bys segl, vaaben og flag, En historisk beslutning iaften
New location: bib-jaa.html#jbu23
- [jda88]
- Parti og plakat: NS 1933-1945
New location: bib-jaa.html#jda88
- [jdf83]
- ?
New location: bib-jaa.html#jdf83
- [jea98]
- Signs, Symbols and Ciphers: Decoding the Message
New location: bib-jaa.html#jea98
- [jen82]
- Wappenbuch des Kantons Graubünden
New location: bib-jaa.html#jen82
- [jeq78]
- A propos de lʼorigine des armoires
New location: bib-jaa.html#jeq78
- [jes94]
- Slesvig-Holstens blå-hvid-röde flag
New location: bib-jaa.html#jes94
- [jfs]
- Janeʼs Fighting Ships
New location: bib-jaa.html#jfs
- [jfs98]
- Janeʼs Fighting Ships of World War II
New location: bib-jaa.html#jfs98
- [jgg]
- I Know About Flags
New location: bib-jaa.html#jgg
- [jhg84]
- Bumerker og andre merker i Mariakirken i Bergen
New location: bib-jha.html#jhg84
- [jhn63]
- Johnsonʼs New Chart of National Emblems
New location: bib-jha.html#jhn63
- [jhs87]
- ?
New location: bib-jha.html#jhs87
- [jil14]
- The Papacy in International Law
New location: bib-jha.html#jil14
- [jil89]
- Flags of Tonga
New location: bib-jha.html#jil89
- [jil89a]
- Symbols in New Guinea — Tribal, Colonial, National, and Provincial
New location: bib-jha.html#jil89a
- [jil99]
- Semiotic aspects and psychophysiological effects of totalitarian symbols: nazi and communist flags
New location: bib-jha.html#jil99
- [jkl58]
- Fánatakan á Reykjavíkurhöfn sumarið 1913
New location: bib-jha.html#jkl58
- [jkw90]
- Political drama in Poland: The use of national symbols
New location: bib-jha.html#jkw90
- [jmt28]
- Jämtlands 1635-årssigill. En avlivad tradition
New location: bib-jha.html#jmt28
- [jmw78]
- Heraldry in Rhodesia
New location: bib-jha.html#jmw78
- [jng89]
- Varemerker og heraldikk
New location: bib-jha.html#jng89
- [jni81]
- Wappenbuch des Kantons Bern
New location: bib-jha.html#jni81
- [jnn24]
- Flag og stander
New location: bib-jha.html#jnn24
- [jno93]
- Från fälttåg till folkfest: Nordiska flaggor, fanor och symboler
New location: bib-jha.html#jno93
- [jns95]
- Dannebrog som statsflag
New location: bib-jha.html#jns95
- [job17]
- Det islandske flag
New location: bib-joa.html#job17
- [joe00]
- DSBs nye splittflagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe00
- [joe00a]
- Et underlig norsk splittflagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe00a
- [joe00b]
- Nye flagg [Baltisk Forsamling, Kroatia, Stillehavsfellesskapet, Den faste voldgiftsdomstolen, Japan]
New location: bib-joa.html#joe00b
- [joe00c]
- Nye flagg?
New location: bib-joa.html#joe00c
- [joe00d]
- Nytt byflagg for Oslo? Noen kommentarer til tusenårsjubilantens "særpregete" nye flagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe00d
- [joe97]
- Det norske orlogsflag med hans majestets kronede navnechiffer i guld — Oversikt over KNS-flagget
New location: bib-joa.html#joe97
- [joe97a]
- Tre nyere norske kommuneflagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe97a
- [joe98]
- Ålands flagg til sjøs: Handels-, sjøfarts- og spesialflagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98
- [joe98a]
- Båten som seilte inn i bymerket: Ålesunds våpen og flagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98a
- [joe98b]
- Én nasjon, ett flagg, felles framtid? Bosnia-Hercegovinas nye flagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98b
- [joe98c]
- Flaggfargene forsvinner fra SAS-merket
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98c
- [joe98d]
- Ny islandsk flagglovgivning
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98d
- [joe98e]
- Nye flagg [Filippinene, Turkmenistan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Komorene — Anjouan, Kasakhstan, Russland — Leningrad region, Belgia — Vest-Flandern]
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98e
- [joe98f]
- Nytt flagg for Nord-Irland? "Nøytralt" flaggforslag avvist
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98f
- [joe98g]
- Samiske flaggdager og offentlig flagging
New location: bib-joa.html#joe98g
- [joe99]
- Åland: Mer om spesialflagg og flagglovgivning
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99
- [joe99a]
- Dete rene norske flagg 100 år: Flaggsaken på internett
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99a
- [joe99b]
- Færøyene fastsetter flaggfargene
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99b
- [joe99c]
- Nye flagg [Aserbajdsjan, Kina — Macau, Belgia — Øst-Flandern, Sverige — Region Skåne]
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99c
- [joe99d]
- Nye flagg [Falklandsøyene, Guatemala, Canada — Nunavut, Britiske antarktiske territorium]
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99d
- [joe99e]
- Nye norske kommandoflagg
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99e
- [joe99f]
- Øst-Timor: Gjennom kolonitid og okkupasjon til selvstendighetsforberedelser
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99f
- [joe99g]
- Ytringsfrihet for flaggbrennere i Norge?
New location: bib-joa.html#joe99g
- [joh35]
- National Flags
New location: bib-joa.html#joh35
- [joh96]
- Wappenbuch Rhein-Neckar-Kreis
New location: bib-joa.html#joh96
- [jon79]
- Eine Flagge für Europa
New location: bib-joa.html#jon79
- [jon87]
- Standardization in vexillology
New location: bib-joa.html#jon87
- [joo99]
- Flags of the Boers — a very old history
New location: bib-joa.html#joo99
- [jos26]
- Larviks gamle våben
New location: bib-joa.html#jos26
- [joy89]
- Flags, Symbols and Controversy
New location: bib-joa.html#joy89
- [jpr95]
- Die Abwertung der nationalen Symbolik am Beispiel Lettlands 1987- 1994
New location: bib-jpa.html#jpr95
- [jrt93]
- La novelle Allemagne: Quels symboles?
New location: bib-jpa.html#jrt93
- [jsn92]
- Heis oss et rødt, et flammende flagg! Den røde fane — 200 år som arbeiderklassens samlingsmerke
New location: bib-jpa.html#jsn92
- [jsn98]
- LOs faneregistreringsprosjekt
New location: bib-jpa.html#jsn98
- [jsn99]
- Norske fagforeningsfaner — en egen fanetradisjon?
New location: bib-jpa.html#jsn99
- [jss98]
- Kunst med kongelig resolusjon: Kommunevåpen i Riksarkivet gjennom hundre år, 1898-1998
New location: bib-jpa.html#jss98
- [jss98a]
- Kunst med kongelig resolusjon: Utstilling om kommunevåpen i Riksarkivet i Oslo
New location: bib-jpa.html#jss98a
- [jtn93]
- Time to cut the umbilical cord between heraldry and vexillology
New location: bib-jpa.html#jtn93
- [jtn99]
- Die Staatsflagge der Republik Marij El
New location: bib-jpa.html#jtn99
- [jtn99a]
- The colours in vexillological documentation
New location: bib-jpa.html#jtn99a
- [jtt79]
- Skjaladarmerki Íslands
New location: bib-jpa.html#jtt79
- [jud71]
- Flag
New location: bib-jpa.html#jud71
- [jur93]
- Die Wiederbelebung der slowenschen Heraldik
New location: bib-jpa.html#jur93
- [jur99]
- Die slowenische Vexillologie
New location: bib-jpa.html#jur99