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Last modified: 2005-04-09 by antónio martins
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See also:
- [dag96]
- Skorsteinsmerker og rederiflagg
New location: bib-daa.html#dag96
- [dag99]
- Skorsteinsmerker og rederiflagg
New location: bib-daa.html#dag99
- [dah64]
- Svensk heraldisk uppslagsbok
New location: bib-daa.html#dah64
- [dam81]
- Vi har gått under faner og flagg
New location: bib-daa.html#dam81
- [dan05]
- Table des Pavillons quilʼon arbore Dans toute les Parties du Monde Connu. Consernant la Marine / Nieuwe Tafel van al de Zee Vaarende Vlagge des Weerelts
New location: bib-daa.html#dan05
- [dan16]
- Table des Pavillons quilʼon arbore Dans toute les Parties du Monde Connu. Consernant la Marine / Nieuwe Tafel van al de Zee Vaarende Vlagge des Weerelts
New location: bib-daa.html#dan16
- [dan70]
- Table des Pavillons quilʼon arbore Dans toute les Parties du Monde Connu. Consernant la Marine / Nieuwe Tafel van al de Zee Vaarende Vlagge des Weerelts
New location: bib-daa.html#dan70
- [dav00]
- Flags of the Third Reich
New location: bib-daa.html#dav00
- [dav75]
- Flags and Standards of the Third Reich: Army, Navy and Air Force 1933-1945
New location: bib-daa.html#dav75
- [dav75a]
- Flags and Standards of the Third Reich: Army, Navy and Air Force 1933-1945
New location: bib-daa.html#dav75a
- [dav94]
- Flags of the Third Reich 3: Party and Police Units
New location: bib-daa.html#dav94
- [dav94a]
- Flags of the Third Reich 1: Wehrmacht
New location: bib-daa.html#dav94a
- [dav94b]
- Flags of the Third Reich 2: Waffen-SS
New location: bib-daa.html#dav94b
- [daw98]
- An Air of Defiance: Georgiaʼs State Flag Change of 1956
New location: bib-daa.html#daw98
- [dbk83]
- Leaders and followers: Cultural pattern and political symbolism in Yugoslavia
New location: bib-daa.html#dbk83
- [dbr87]
- Vexillology and phaleristics
New location: bib-daa.html#dbr87
- [dcx99]
- La croix de St André en vexillologie
New location: bib-daa.html#dcx99
- [dcx99a]
- St Georgeʼs Cross and St Johnʼs Cross
New location: bib-daa.html#dcx99a
- [dcy90]
- Insignia and Power: The Use of Heraldic and Paraheraldic Devices by Italian Princes, c. 1350-c. 1500
New location: bib-daa.html#dcy90
- [dda17]
- Den islandske Flagsag
New location: bib-daa.html#dda17
- [deb88]
- Das grosse Wappenbuch der Pfalz
New location: bib-daa.html#deb88
- [dec55]
- Deutsche Länder- und Städtewappen
New location: bib-daa.html#dec55
- [dee57]
- Byzanz und die Herrschaftszeichen des Abendlandes
New location: bib-daa.html#dee57
- [deg75]
- Vase och grönvita färger
New location: bib-daa.html#deg75
- [deg77]
- Ny lagstiftning om finska kommunvapen
New location: bib-daa.html#deg77
- [deg78]
- Flaggrevidering och vapenfastställelse — Ny lagstiftning i Finland
New location: bib-daa.html#deg78
- [deg84]
- Finlands nationella vapen?
New location: bib-daa.html#deg84
- [deg89]
- A sea fortress and its fleet — Heraldry of the Finnish navy
New location: bib-daa.html#deg89
- [deg97]
- Blås högt i vind och fladdra fritt
New location: bib-daa.html#deg97
- [del94]
- Les communes vaudoises et leurs armoiries (tome II)
New location: bib-daa.html#del94
- [dev92]
- The book of world flags
New location: bib-daa.html#dev92
- [dev94]
- Identifying flags: The new compact study guide and identifier
New location: bib-daa.html#dev94
- [dev94?]
- ?
New location: bib-daa.html#dev94?
- [dev94g]
- Flaggenbuch
New location: bib-daa.html#dev94g
- [dev98]
- Identifying Flags
New location: bib-daa.html#dev98
- [dfk]
- Der Flaggenkurier
New location: bib-dfa.html#dfk
- [dfr95]
- National Symbols and the International Recognition of the Republic of Macedonia
New location: bib-dfa.html#dfr95
- [dfs]
- Dragonflags
New location: bib-dfa.html#dfs
- [dgf]
- DGF-Nachrichten
New location: bib-dfa.html#dgf
- [dgl96]
- Natural symbols: Explorations in cosmology
New location: bib-dfa.html#dgl96
- [dib79]
- Probleme pose par la Restauration de la Banniere dite "pavillon de dupleix" ou le prix des trous prestigieux
New location: bib-dfa.html#dib79
- [die95]
- Die Symbole Österreichs: Zeit und Geschichte in Zeichen
New location: bib-dfa.html#die95
- [dma99]
- De heliga tecknens hemlighet. Om symboler och attribut
New location: bib-dfa.html#dma99
- [dmz93]
- Visual Nationalism: On Looking at National Symbols
New location: bib-dfa.html#dmz93
- [dne73]
- Fahnenbuch
New location: bib-dfa.html#dne73
- [dnf81]
- Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der als deutsche Nationalflaggen auf See gefahrenen und von den seefahrenden Nationen anerkannten deutschen Kriegs- und Handelsflaggen
New location: bib-dfa.html#dnf81
- [dnn82]
- Sovereignty and heraldry: The case of the Falklands
New location: bib-dfa.html#dnn82
- [dog78]
- Tricolorul si cocardele in contextul luptei revolutionarilor pasoptisti
New location: bib-dfa.html#dog78
- [dog83]
- Lʼheraldique contemporaine en Roumanie
New location: bib-dfa.html#dog83
- [doo86]
- Heraldry under the Pressure of Steam. The Industrial Revolution and Civic Heraldry in England and Wales (1842-1914)
New location: bib-dfa.html#doo86
- [doo98]
- Transcending the frontiers of reality: The significance of heraldic legends
New location: bib-dfa.html#doo98
- [dor92]
- Die Infanterie-Regimenter Friedrichs des Großen 1756-1763
New location: bib-dfa.html#dor92
- [dou87]
- LʼAventure des Drapeaux
New location: bib-dfa.html#dou87
- [dow73]
- Railway Heraldry
New location: bib-dfa.html#dow73
- [dra83]
- National and Royal Flags of Bavaria
New location: bib-dra.html#dra83
- [dre84]
- Symbol Sourcebook: An Authoritative Guide to International Graphic Symbols
New location: bib-dra.html#dre84
- [dri87]
- Wappen und Flaggen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ihrer Länder
New location: bib-dra.html#dri87
- [dri90]
- Wappen und Flaggen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ihrer Länder
New location: bib-dra.html#dri90
- [drj48]
- De kommunala vapnen på Åland
New location: bib-dra.html#drj48
- [drj53]
- Ålands landskapsvapen och kommunvapen
New location: bib-dra.html#drj53
- [drj55]
- Huru Ålands flagga kom till
New location: bib-dra.html#drj55
- [drj72]
- Landskapet Ålands symboler
New location: bib-dra.html#drj72
- [drn87]
- Las autonomías que no fueron. Una historia irredentismo ibérico.
New location: bib-dra.html#drn87
- [drn92]
- Portugal: Banderas Corporativas (II)
New location: bib-dra.html#drn92
- [drn94]
- Portugal: Banderas de Dominio
New location: bib-dra.html#drn94
- [dry99]
- History of the mail flags of the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain and the USA
New location: bib-dra.html#dry99
- [dry99a]
- The Spanish navy flag chart of 1854
New location: bib-dra.html#dry99a
- [drz85]
- Sällsynta finska krigsdekorationer
New location: bib-dra.html#drz85
- [dsb99]
- Danmark: Nytt splittflagg for DSB
New location: bib-dra.html#dsb99
- [dss60]
- En infanterifana från drottning Kristinas tid
New location: bib-dra.html#dss60
- [dss69]
- Från slavskeppsflagg till trofé
New location: bib-dra.html#dss69
- [dss77]
- Sigismunds svenska huvudbaner
New location: bib-dra.html#dss77
- [dss84]
- Polska baner och gardesfanor i Statens Trofésamling
New location: bib-dra.html#dss84
- [dss85]
- Solfanor
New location: bib-dra.html#dss85
- [dss88]
- August den starkes sachsiska fanor — Högtstående konsthandverk från tiden kring år 1700
New location: bib-dra.html#dss88
- [dts98]
- Dannebrog til søs
New location: bib-dra.html#dts98
- [dtt77]
- Political Culture and Political Symbolism: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis
New location: bib-dra.html#dtt77
- [due88]
- Splittflagget på "showboat"
New location: bib-dra.html#due88
- [duf94]
- Michel Pastoureau, la couleur et le blason
New location: bib-dra.html#duf94
- [dug]
- Banderia Prutenorum
New location: bib-dra.html#dug
- [duk93]
- Blue and red ensign schizophrenia
New location: bib-dra.html#duk93
- [dul69]
- Introduction to the History of the Signal-Flags in the Netherlands Navy
New location: bib-dra.html#dul69
- [dum59]
- Die Flagge des Heiligen Landes (Vexillum Terrae Sanctae — Pavillon hiérosolymitain)
New location: bib-dra.html#dum59
- [dur]
- Russkie i sovetskie boevie nagrady / Russian and Soviet Military Awards
New location: bib-dra.html#dur
- [dvr95]
- ?
New location: bib-dra.html#dvr95
- [dwr90]
- The Elements of Japanese Design: A Handbook of Family Crests, Heraldry & Symbolism
New location: bib-dra.html#dwr90
- [dyg]
- Flot gosudarstva Rossii~skogo. Otkuda i cˆto na flote posˆlo.
New location: bib-dra.html#dyg